There have been many studies on modern man’s search for meaning. New ones will be added to these studies, because after the earthquake on…
Esin Tümer Kurnaz
Esin Tümer Kurnaz
Dr. Architect (METU'89). Reader, Writer, Illustrator. Permanent Student. Partly Teacher. Officially Mother. Tümer by father. Cunning by wife status. Devoted by heart. Peasant by form. A translation of the book "Cosmology and Architecture" Many others. He is currently a PhD thesis student at the Institute of Sufism Studies. Islamic Civilization, Thought, History and Literature PhD Thesis Student
In the past years, I was given a column in one of our branded newspapers. It was not about the column or the page,…
“Service” is sustained in a relationship based on service providers and service recipients. The teacher gives, the student takes. The doctor gives, the patient…
In the past years, I was given a column in one of our branded newspapers. It was not about the column or the page,…